Message from the Chair

Cory Abate-Shen, PhD

Welcome to the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics! Our name is intended to embrace the historical foundations of our department in classical pharmacology while at the same time promoting a broad vision of modern pharmacology.

The discipline of Pharmacology investigates basic mechanistic studies that underlie normal functioning of cells and organisms, with the ultimate goal of identifying therapeutic targets that impact human health. From this vantage point, pharmacology encompasses many aspects of biomedical research and can provide a central hub linking basic research and the clinical enterprise.

To realize this vision, we have undertaken a major recruitment effort to build the department in areas that lie at the interface between basic mechanisms and application of drug discovery. We are recruiting in Cancer Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, and Cardiovascular Pharmacology, which have a strong foundation of research excellence in our department and the medical school overall. We are particularly keen to build a strong technological base through recruitment of investigators with expertise in chemical biology, proteomics, drug discovery, pharmacogenomics, epigenetics, and metabolism. Importantly, we have newly renovated laboratory space that will be well-suited for our mission and centrally located in the medical school.

Please visit and watch us grow!


Cory Abate-Shen, PhD
Chair, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics